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Siberian Rescue and Shelter

Siberian breeders around the world work hard to ensure their kittens are placed in loving home that will care for them for their entire lives. All of the breeders I know have a clause in their contract that asks kitty parents to please contact them if for some reason they are unable to keep the kitten they have purchased. We feel the same. The thought of one of our babies possibly going to a shelter is disheartening.

Because we are a multi-state family, we have the opportunity to not help just our own kitties, but also Siberians across the country. If you are unable to keep your Siberian for some reason, or know someone with such a situation, please let us know. We will work with our network of Siberian breeders across the continent to help find a loving home for your Sib.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not surrender your Sib to a shelter. Contact us first!

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